We offer forest school activities for children aged 18 months to 11 years old including after school clubs, school holiday sessions, school curriculum sessions, preschool sessions and ‘wild’ Forries birthday parties, encouraging child-led play and learning in natural, outdoor environment.
Preschool 'Forest Sprite' - After School Club - School Holiday Sessions - Birthday Parties
Dates and times of new Forries Education forest school sessions and other important notices.
What aged children do you work with?
What should children wear?
Will my child enjoy forest school?
Forest School is an innovative, child-led approach to outdoor play and learning. This ethos of outdoor learning started in Scandinavia and is growing in popularity in the UK. It is fun and unhurried. It is focused on process not product.
Research shows that children benefit from being outdoors and at Forries Education we encourage children from Early Years to Key Stage 2 (3 to 11 years old for non-teacher folk, though we had children from 18 months join us) to have adventures and take responsibilities. They develop confidence and resilience by learning how best to take risks, cooperate, negotiate and compromise with each other whilst stretching their legs as well as their imagination.
In reality, that means outdoor fun, tools, mud and dens and lots of climbing fallen trees in all types of weather.
For more detailed information on what Forest School is, click here to read.
Have a look at our Instagram and Facebook galleries to see that it works in practice.
"Dear James, the vision and ethos of Forest Schools appears to me to offer something distinctive to parents, many of whom will compare their childhoods spent outdoors with the reduced opportunities for their own children. This can be especially so in London, and other big cities, where it is not always easy to find safe, natural spaces where children can explore nature and learn at the same time. I wish you all the best with your initiative and hope future generations of Lewisham children will be able to develop an interest and understanding of the natural environment which is on their doorstep but which can often be so hidden."